Baking party

Baking party λοιπόν! Φορέστε τις ποδιές σας, φτιάξτε τους σκούφους σας, πάρτε σπάτουλες και κορνέ και βουρ στα cupcakes!! Μετά τη δημιουργική έξαψη, θα έχετε έτοιμα και όλα τα γλυκά του πάρτυ!
Η ιδέα και οι φωτογραφίες είναι από το πάντα ευφάνταστο Hostess with the Mostess.
I think that this party must be every mom's nightmare... Flour, sugar, eggs, chocolates.. and all in the little hands of boys and girls. On the other hand, it may be the dream of a little boy or girl (I think of a girl sounds more probable). Let alone of a grown up who still remembers her electric mixer that she had as a child and that worked with batteries!
Let's have a baking party! Wear your aprons, fix your caps, take your spatulas and run for the cupcakes! After this creative excitement, we'll also have all the party deserts ready!
The idea and photos are from the always creative Hostess with the Mostess.
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the bright side of blogging :: by andriana